June 09, 2008

Circle Time - 3 Cs

Weekend is a time to relax and catch up with family who you seem to just pass by on your way out! Bye Honey, getting late again, see you later! Almost every preschool has a segment called "Circle Time" where every child gets an opportunity to share anything he feels like. I think we should start something like that at home to catch up!!
Whenever my preschooler feels she has done something fun, important or when she has earned lots of praises from us, she says she is gonna share it with Ms.E at circle time. She looks forward to it and almost everyday has something to blab about. The days when she is home with me, we don't do circle time for obvious reason of lack of enough people to make a circle!! But we do time bound activities and these days we are using crayons a lot. After being able to write the letters on the driveway she got really interested in finding more about them. And the girl just went on and on an on.

Circle it, color it...Letter A

Circle it, color it...Letter B

Circle it, color it...Letter C

Circle it, color it...Letter D

Circle it, color it...Letter E

Circle it!!

Color it!!


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