And I am hopping on to the other side for sure, for a visit, eh! Blogging might be sporadic but will be straight from the greener pastures for next few weeks. Yipeeeeeeeee!
image: google
December 18, 2009
December 09, 2009
Its the wishlist season, and I was wondering what would a girl's wishlist consist of?
Jewelery, handbags or clothes?
For a girl in India, a wish list could look like this:
image: google.
Jewelery, handbags or clothes?
For a girl in India, a wish list could look like this:
- Getting to see her side of the family when she wants. Asking for permission to see parents defies all logic.
- Getting to wear what she feels like.
- Not considered a possession, of her father, brothers and husband but a person.
- See her friends, or actually have some friends.
- Not be the last one to eat. Really, why females, in many so called educated and modern families, are expected to eat only after the male members of the family?
- Have equal say in financial decisions.Whether she earns or not, she is a contributor to the family.
- Doing what she wants for her parents.
- A home that is her own, not her mayka (mom's) or sasural (inlaws)
- People around her realize that she is an individual who has hopes, wishes, desires, interests, hobbies and cooking is not necessarily one of them.
- Future generation girls need not wish for any of these, hopefully they would simply have these.
image: google.
December 03, 2009
Ajab Scooter Ki Ghazab Kahani
Apologies to my readers who can not read Hindi. This post could not have met justice in a language other than my mother tongue. If you can talk in Hindi and fully understand it , then grab a friend who can read this to you. Please do not use the google translator , it will just kill the spirit!
घर के बहार खड़ा बेचारा ग्रे स्कूटर गर्मी की लू में
परेशान प्यास से तिलमिला रहा था लेकिन टंकी
भरने की उम्मीद भी अब तो मर ही गयी थी.
पेट्रोल कब नसीब होगा यह तो अब ऊपर वाला ही
जानता है. "मिस्टर तो चले गए हैं दक्षिण भारत
अपनी कोई ट्रेनिंग अटेंड करने और मिस्सेस के
चेहरे से तो जैसे मुस्कान ऐसे गायब हो गयी जैसे
की पंचर टायर में से हवा. अब क्या बताऊँ आपको
, बड़े ही प्यारे हैं हमारे मिस्टर और मिस्सेस. याद
आते हैं मुझे वो दिन जब मिस्टर मुझे बड़ी स्टाइल
से स्टार्ट करते थे और मिस्सेस शर्माते हुए पीछे की
सीट पैर बैठती और फिर मीठी सी मुस्कान देते
हुए अपना एक हाथ मिस्टर के कंधे पर रख देती,
मिस्टर की ख़ुशी का तो ठिकाना ही न रहता और
वो पूछते "चलूँ क्या" . और फिर मैं हिचकोले खाता
, हवा से बातें करता हुआ चलता जाता, क्या दिन
थे वो !! कसम से दो हफ्ते हो गए किसी ने धुल
तक साफ़ नहीं की मेरी ...हाय ! विरह की घड़ियाँ तो
मिस्सेस गिन रही हैं लेकिन धुप में खड़ा खड़ा जल
मैं रहा हूँ . वैसे तो जब मिस्टर अकेले ही मुझ पर
सवारी करते हैं तो मुझ गरीब पर कुछ ख़ास ध्यान
नहीं देते , वो तो बस जिस दिन मिस्सेस से मिलन
होने वाला हो , वो जिसे कहते हैं न डेट, जब डेट हो
तब उनकी किस्मत के साथ साथ मेरी भी चांदी हो
जाती थी . मुझे खूब चमकाते हैं , डिक्की की साफ़
सफाई भी हो जाती है लेकिन मिस्सेस से मिलने
की उत्सुकता में पेट्रोल भरवाना भूल जाते हैं , पर
मिस्सेस बहुत ही पर्टिकुलर हैं भाई , वो तो बैठने से
पहले ही पूछती हैं "पेट्रोल भरवाया" और फिर दोनों
अपना कोई भी काम करने से पहले मेरा पेट पूजन
करवा देते हैं. मिस्सेस तो मेरा बहुत ही ख्याल
रखती हैं , जब भी कहीं पार्किंग करनी हो तो उनके
कहे अनुसार मुझे हमेशा पेड़ की छाया में पार्क
कीया जाता है जिससे की मेरा रंग न हल्का पड़
जाये. कभी भी दावा दारू की ज़रुरत हो तो मिस्सेस
पहले मुझे मकैनिक के पास ले जाने को कहती हैं
और उसके बाद ही अपनी डेट की सोचती हैं .
लेकिन उनकी मुस्कान तो मिस्टर की मौजूदगी में
ही दिखाई देती है , इतना ख़याल जो रखते हैं
मिस्टर उनका . मैं तो बस येही सोच सोच तड़प रहा
हूँ की कब यह हसीन जोड़ा मुझ पर सवार हो,
हिचकोले खाता अपनी मुस्कुराहटों का लेन देन
करेगा और कब मेरी पेट्रोल को तरसती टंकी अपनी
प्यास बुझा पायेगी और मैं तेज़ रफ़्तार से दौड़ता
हुआ दोबारा इन सड़कों पर अपने पहिये चलाऊंगा .
यहाँ खड़ा खड़ा धुल मिटटी खा रहा हूँ अब तो
लगता है दमे का मरीज़ ही ना बन जाऊं . अच्छा
दोस्तों तुम तो निकलो अपने अपने सफ़र पर और
कोई दुःख सुख बाटने वाला ना मिले तो मैं तो यहीं
खड़ा हूँ ना जाने कब तक, आ जाना भैया .
अलविदा !"
घर के बहार खड़ा बेचारा ग्रे स्कूटर गर्मी की लू में
परेशान प्यास से तिलमिला रहा था लेकिन टंकी
भरने की उम्मीद भी अब तो मर ही गयी थी.
पेट्रोल कब नसीब होगा यह तो अब ऊपर वाला ही
जानता है. "मिस्टर तो चले गए हैं दक्षिण भारत
अपनी कोई ट्रेनिंग अटेंड करने और मिस्सेस के
चेहरे से तो जैसे मुस्कान ऐसे गायब हो गयी जैसे
की पंचर टायर में से हवा. अब क्या बताऊँ आपको
, बड़े ही प्यारे हैं हमारे मिस्टर और मिस्सेस. याद
आते हैं मुझे वो दिन जब मिस्टर मुझे बड़ी स्टाइल
से स्टार्ट करते थे और मिस्सेस शर्माते हुए पीछे की
सीट पैर बैठती और फिर मीठी सी मुस्कान देते
हुए अपना एक हाथ मिस्टर के कंधे पर रख देती,
मिस्टर की ख़ुशी का तो ठिकाना ही न रहता और
वो पूछते "चलूँ क्या" . और फिर मैं हिचकोले खाता
, हवा से बातें करता हुआ चलता जाता, क्या दिन
थे वो !! कसम से दो हफ्ते हो गए किसी ने धुल
तक साफ़ नहीं की मेरी ...हाय ! विरह की घड़ियाँ तो
मिस्सेस गिन रही हैं लेकिन धुप में खड़ा खड़ा जल
मैं रहा हूँ . वैसे तो जब मिस्टर अकेले ही मुझ पर
सवारी करते हैं तो मुझ गरीब पर कुछ ख़ास ध्यान
नहीं देते , वो तो बस जिस दिन मिस्सेस से मिलन
होने वाला हो , वो जिसे कहते हैं न डेट, जब डेट हो
तब उनकी किस्मत के साथ साथ मेरी भी चांदी हो
जाती थी . मुझे खूब चमकाते हैं , डिक्की की साफ़
सफाई भी हो जाती है लेकिन मिस्सेस से मिलने
की उत्सुकता में पेट्रोल भरवाना भूल जाते हैं , पर
मिस्सेस बहुत ही पर्टिकुलर हैं भाई , वो तो बैठने से
पहले ही पूछती हैं "पेट्रोल भरवाया" और फिर दोनों
अपना कोई भी काम करने से पहले मेरा पेट पूजन
करवा देते हैं. मिस्सेस तो मेरा बहुत ही ख्याल
रखती हैं , जब भी कहीं पार्किंग करनी हो तो उनके
कहे अनुसार मुझे हमेशा पेड़ की छाया में पार्क
कीया जाता है जिससे की मेरा रंग न हल्का पड़
जाये. कभी भी दावा दारू की ज़रुरत हो तो मिस्सेस
पहले मुझे मकैनिक के पास ले जाने को कहती हैं
और उसके बाद ही अपनी डेट की सोचती हैं .
लेकिन उनकी मुस्कान तो मिस्टर की मौजूदगी में
ही दिखाई देती है , इतना ख़याल जो रखते हैं
मिस्टर उनका . मैं तो बस येही सोच सोच तड़प रहा
हूँ की कब यह हसीन जोड़ा मुझ पर सवार हो,
हिचकोले खाता अपनी मुस्कुराहटों का लेन देन
करेगा और कब मेरी पेट्रोल को तरसती टंकी अपनी
प्यास बुझा पायेगी और मैं तेज़ रफ़्तार से दौड़ता
हुआ दोबारा इन सड़कों पर अपने पहिये चलाऊंगा .
यहाँ खड़ा खड़ा धुल मिटटी खा रहा हूँ अब तो
लगता है दमे का मरीज़ ही ना बन जाऊं . अच्छा
दोस्तों तुम तो निकलो अपने अपने सफ़र पर और
कोई दुःख सुख बाटने वाला ना मिले तो मैं तो यहीं
खड़ा हूँ ना जाने कब तक, आ जाना भैया .
अलविदा !"
December 01, 2009
My heart lies here
When I was a little girl I would play ghar- ghar (house) with my friends, pretending the whole park to be our house with imaginary lines dividing the living room( the drawing room as its called in India), the dining room and the bedrooms. Was it my dream home, No. Somehow in real life I never thought of the kind of house I would live in. There was simply no plan or an expectation. I guess there was this contentment in me which never made me wish for things.
Yesterday we celebrated our home's 4th anniversary. The day we moved in, it was cold and rainy and the moment I stepped in, as my socks were wet too, I slipped on the kitchen floor with Saumya in my arms. The house was already a stranger to me but now it became a hostile stranger. Husband went away for a business trip within four days of moving. I was alone with a baby, in a house which seemed like someone else's. Looking out the window, the bare street and lawns covered in snow, not knowing who lives next door, everything felt cold and I felt like an alien on earth. But with each passing day, reaching little milestones like Ssaumya's first birthday, her first words, her first step, first party, first movie night, our laughters, our tears and many more such things through which life happens, we made this house our own, our home.
They say home is where the heart is and my heart surely is with our home. A home whose walls might still be bare but they stand proud and strong. Rooms might lack appropriate furniture but we don't find the same comfort anywhere else. It may not be clean all the time but this is the place where we find our reality. Its a place we call our own, a place we fill with our love, laughter, cries, joys, hopes and aspirations. That little girl of yesteryear's is not playing house anymore as we have a home and its real.
image courtesy : google images.

Yesterday we celebrated our home's 4th anniversary. The day we moved in, it was cold and rainy and the moment I stepped in, as my socks were wet too, I slipped on the kitchen floor with Saumya in my arms. The house was already a stranger to me but now it became a hostile stranger. Husband went away for a business trip within four days of moving. I was alone with a baby, in a house which seemed like someone else's. Looking out the window, the bare street and lawns covered in snow, not knowing who lives next door, everything felt cold and I felt like an alien on earth. But with each passing day, reaching little milestones like Ssaumya's first birthday, her first words, her first step, first party, first movie night, our laughters, our tears and many more such things through which life happens, we made this house our own, our home.
They say home is where the heart is and my heart surely is with our home. A home whose walls might still be bare but they stand proud and strong. Rooms might lack appropriate furniture but we don't find the same comfort anywhere else. It may not be clean all the time but this is the place where we find our reality. Its a place we call our own, a place we fill with our love, laughter, cries, joys, hopes and aspirations. That little girl of yesteryear's is not playing house anymore as we have a home and its real.
image courtesy : google images.
November 24, 2009
Giving Thanks
Before I came to America, I did not know anything about Thanksgiving but now this is one festival which is growing its ranking in my list of things which I label with "I like it" This is a day when American families sit down together to share a meal, or two, to give thanks to people who came to this land to make new life and the native Indians shared their harvest with these new pilgrims. It is also called a Turkey Day as that is what is traditionally eaten on thanksgiving. If you are a Turkey, consider hibernating!!
I am starting to develop a fondness for this day because this festival is not associated with any religion, it does not celebrate any mythological superheroes. It honors actual real people who dared to think different and embarked on a long and difficult journey with hopes of fulfilling their dreams and they actually did! This day makes me stop, only if for a moment, to give a thought to all the things that are going right for me. The day does not ask me to follow any rituals that I do not understand, all I need to do is have a good meal, after which most of my clothes would not fit me, with my family and friends and be happy about the positives in life.
Though the focus of the day is on the bounty that you have, all the newspapers and television advts. about day after thanksgiving sales won't let you forget all that you do not have!! I can't say that I am not thankful for all those sales, in fact I am very thankful. Yea, I am gracious like that.
Splendid food, cheerful company of close friends and tireless shopping the next day that not only gets you those sexy boots that you were eyeing for a long time but also helps you burn those tonnes of calories that you consumed while being thankful, What's Not To Love? I say its brilliant! But if you are a Turkey, I am sure you have a different take on this whole thanksgiving business. I hear ya!
For all the non Turkeys "Happy Thanksgiving!"
I am starting to develop a fondness for this day because this festival is not associated with any religion, it does not celebrate any mythological superheroes. It honors actual real people who dared to think different and embarked on a long and difficult journey with hopes of fulfilling their dreams and they actually did! This day makes me stop, only if for a moment, to give a thought to all the things that are going right for me. The day does not ask me to follow any rituals that I do not understand, all I need to do is have a good meal, after which most of my clothes would not fit me, with my family and friends and be happy about the positives in life.
Though the focus of the day is on the bounty that you have, all the newspapers and television advts. about day after thanksgiving sales won't let you forget all that you do not have!! I can't say that I am not thankful for all those sales, in fact I am very thankful. Yea, I am gracious like that.
Splendid food, cheerful company of close friends and tireless shopping the next day that not only gets you those sexy boots that you were eyeing for a long time but also helps you burn those tonnes of calories that you consumed while being thankful, What's Not To Love? I say its brilliant! But if you are a Turkey, I am sure you have a different take on this whole thanksgiving business. I hear ya!
For all the non Turkeys "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Tangy Tuesday Turned Sweet

I am so very pleased to tell you that my post My Shishya : My Guru has been picked up by BlogAdda for their Tangy Tuesday Picks. I say that's pretty sweet way to start a day!
You can applaud now 'taking a bow' Thank you very much!!
You can see the entire list of wonderful posts (including mine, :-))
November 13, 2009
My Shishya : My Guru
This post has been selected by Blogadda as Tangy Tuesday Pick!
My Little girl, the soon to be five year old, is like spicy Indian street food whose spiciness brings tears to your eyes but you don't want to stop eating. Her conversations never end!! In her quest to read more and more, it seems she has forgotten to learn the importance of "period, the full stop". Talking too much has also made her very expressive, she can verbalize every little thought and experience. Running to me in the school foyer, tightly hugging, the little voice said "You are best mamma,everyone wants a mamma like you". Awwww that's so sweet. But what did I do to hear that? Exactly nothing! She was cheering her mamma up because she knows mamma is not in the best of her spirits these days. When do kids learn this? How do they know compliments would perk up everyone. So an otherwise tired and gloomy mother, got a cheer on her face and they both ran to the car, giggling like two mischievous friends who know all the secrets of the world. In past few days I have come to realize that she is not only my little daughter but my friend and my security blanket as well. Her presence keeps me going in good as well as bad times, she has made me realize that there is no "full stop" in life, there are only pauses, no matter how bad or good things are, life must go on.
My Little girl, the soon to be five year old, is like spicy Indian street food whose spiciness brings tears to your eyes but you don't want to stop eating. Her conversations never end!! In her quest to read more and more, it seems she has forgotten to learn the importance of "period, the full stop". Talking too much has also made her very expressive, she can verbalize every little thought and experience. Running to me in the school foyer, tightly hugging, the little voice said "You are best mamma,everyone wants a mamma like you". Awwww that's so sweet. But what did I do to hear that? Exactly nothing! She was cheering her mamma up because she knows mamma is not in the best of her spirits these days. When do kids learn this? How do they know compliments would perk up everyone. So an otherwise tired and gloomy mother, got a cheer on her face and they both ran to the car, giggling like two mischievous friends who know all the secrets of the world. In past few days I have come to realize that she is not only my little daughter but my friend and my security blanket as well. Her presence keeps me going in good as well as bad times, she has made me realize that there is no "full stop" in life, there are only pauses, no matter how bad or good things are, life must go on.
November 05, 2009
How do you show respect?
When you are growing up whatever elders say is right. Right? No! But you are expected to follow what they say and take it in your stride. What if you don't? Are you just voicing your opinion or you are showing disrespect? Does respecting someone means being meek or being submissive to them?
Also, after getting married, girls are expected to touch feet of all of the in laws, whether you know that person or not, of your brother as well as sister in law, even if they are bride's age. Does it really initiate respect in her heart for them? She might still hate them or maybe more because of this. A man on the other hand isn't allowed by his parents to touch his in laws feet, no matter how old they are to him. What this tells about our society? If touching feet is a way of expressing respect, a girl's parents and siblings are not worthy of respect?
I loved being a new bride and enjoyed touching feet so much that many a times I over did it. But today I do not resonate with the custom, I can show respect in many other ways like by giving weight to your thoughts, by being nice to you, by letting you sit first, by being polite, by helping etc. Why is this public display of one person being submissive shows the glory of others?
What do you say?
Also, after getting married, girls are expected to touch feet of all of the in laws, whether you know that person or not, of your brother as well as sister in law, even if they are bride's age. Does it really initiate respect in her heart for them? She might still hate them or maybe more because of this. A man on the other hand isn't allowed by his parents to touch his in laws feet, no matter how old they are to him. What this tells about our society? If touching feet is a way of expressing respect, a girl's parents and siblings are not worthy of respect?
I loved being a new bride and enjoyed touching feet so much that many a times I over did it. But today I do not resonate with the custom, I can show respect in many other ways like by giving weight to your thoughts, by being nice to you, by letting you sit first, by being polite, by helping etc. Why is this public display of one person being submissive shows the glory of others?
What do you say?
October 21, 2009
My favorite season - Photo Essay
Autumn is my favorite season. Leaves changing colors from green to red,purple,yellow , orange and hundreds shades in between, the sights are just breathtaking. The little nip in the air makes coffee and tea much more enjoyable. I love fall clothes as well, the boots, the wrap around shawls, the woolen skirts, all in sync with the colors of the leaves. Everything about this season is simply amazing!
Here's what fall looks like in our neighborhood.




And we have some visitors as well.....
Here's what fall looks like in our neighborhood.
And we have some visitors as well.....
October 18, 2009

Our Diwali was a simple affair celebrated at home with mithai and candles everywhere. Saumya and me did the rangoli. Hope all of you had a lovely time with family and friends.
While relaxing in my lap, after getting tired of eating all the sweets and running around in excitement of lighting up every nook and corner of the house, Saumya had a worrying expression. "Mamma do big people lose teeth?" This was her 4Th or 5Th question since morning revolving around teeth, my mom instinct sprung up and I asked "Saumya, do you have a lose tooth?" The little cute face nodded yes and tears rolled down those Rosy cheeks. While giving me the tightest hug ever, in her little crying voice she said "When this falls out, I will have a hole in the mouth for months. I read about it" But when I told her that this loose tooth means she is growing up and her mouth is getting ready for a grown up tooth now, it became a time for jubilation!
She went to bed happy and anxiously waiting for the time when the little baby pearl with fall out. And I went to bed crying buckets of tears. My baby is growing up so fast. Every little milestone brings two sided emotions. Its gratifying to see her growing up but its scares me, it makes me realize how fast we are getting there when I will be waving her bye with a heavy heart and teary eyes. The day when there will be silence everywhere in the house, no questions will be asked, no tears to wipe, when no one will forget to turn off the lights, when no one will need 100 kisses at night, when no one will need to listen to bed time story. Its only a loose tooth but this one loose tooth told me that we are making memories today, we are an active part of them today but very soon we will only be left with memoirs.
October 02, 2009
September 17, 2009
Chit Chat

Saumya is back in school and that means she doesn't get enough one on one time with me. For the past few weeks I have been waiting to get here, so I can be alone for few hours and do anything without being answerable to miss smarty pants. It also sounded like a fairytale that would never happen. The day she joined school back, I didn't know what to do at all ! I was excited to be doing something that I loaded myself with much more than I could handle! And while doing my own things, well if you really must know those things were laundry, grocery shopping, re-arranging the kitchen cabinets and cleaning till the last crumb was picked up, yes that is my glamorous life, coming back to the point, so while being busy in my world I kept on missing this little girl who was with me like my shadow at home. I liked the peace and quiet but I missed a cute little face asking me in sweet little voice "what are you doing? why are you putting so much detergent? why did you put that towel in the washer? Why are you smiling? Who were you talking to on the phone? Why? Why are you reading? Why do you want to relax? Why, why , why , why!!!???" You know that feeling when you are doing something and really want to be done and can't wait to be out of it so you can relax but the moment you are finished, all you do is, in your mind, go over all the little details of the thing you just got over with and realize how much you were enjoying that but if I ask you to do it all over again, you would run away? That's where Saumya has left me by going back to school. She was my reading companion, my shopping buddy ( with a critical eye I must say), my kitchen helper, my cheerleader and above a lovely daughter and fabulous person to be with. we shared such good laughs and many times we were simply there around each other. To see her grow up is a joy and I am glad I got to see so much of it over summer. We both made a special bond this summer and I hope we become good friends for life.
Here are some chit chats she did in past few days
Saumya: When is daddy coming home?
Me: I called him but he didn't take the call. It seems he is driving.
Saumya: Did he forget his blue tooth again? We bought him one so he takes our calls!!
Me: Oh, see I didn't even remember he has blue tooth.
Saumya: Well I do! I gifted him on father's day so he can take my calls while driving. !!!!
Me: (she has an extra art class after school today) Saumya, you will be gone for so long today, I am going to miss you.
Saumya: Mamma, I love you a lot too but even if we love we should not keep children home, I am going to learn something and I will be back.
Me: !!!!!! (spellbound)
Saumya: Come here, I will give you a hug.
Me: Thank you Saumya, I am just saying I will miss you, its not that I am sad. It is lovely that you go to school and get to learn so much.
Saumya: Yes, one should not keep anyone away from learning, no matter how much they miss them.
"It might feel like eternity but they grow up fast" is not a joke I guess!
image courtesy : google.
September 02, 2009
I Think Therefore I Am

Saumya, Our chirpy little 4 year old is thinking, thinking a lot these days. And what do you have when you think a lot? Questions, a lot of questions.
Why are we born?
I don't understand why do we come in this world. What have we come here to do?
Mamma, remember the time I had my dance recital? I got all dressed up, went up on stage, did my performance and then came back home. Remember that??
Sometimes I feel the world is like that. We get ready in mamma's belly to come in the world, we are born, we become something, we grow old and then we die to go back to God.
Isn't it like my show mamma?

But I still wonder why was the world made, it might as well be nothing.
Also, how was it decided that people will live in houses and animals will live in jungles?
image courtesy:
August 06, 2009
August 03, 2009
Birthday Wishes That Came True
Few days back it was my sweetheart's birthday. It was celebrated with much fanfare last year. Now, its very difficult to think of a gift for him that would make him feel special. He is a simple man and would be happy if we just jump up and down an say Happy Birthday and give nothing! Really, are all men like that?? He is a foodie in the truest sense. He enjoys as well as relishes food that is cooked well. So how do you make celebrate this man's special day?? During one conversation, I re-realized that he enjoys the food most when there is a lot of variety and he always prefers to order Thali in Indian restaurant. Eureka! That's what I decided to do for him!
When he came to the dinner table, this is what he saw on his placemat.


When he came to the dinner table, this is what he saw on his placemat.
And This is his thali, very lovingly made by yours truly. It has Dal Bukhara, Stuffed Aloo Kofta, Kurmuri Bhindi, Achari Paneer, kheer, Puri. We also had dahi bhalley which could not fit in this thali! This was the first birthday that we stayed home but it will be the most memorable one. While chopping, stirring and rolling through the day, my mind wandered through the older times when we were not married and we both would imagine our married life, about the birthdays that we would wake up to together, we would smile imagining about the times when I would cook for him and how it could be a disaster but he would still say I love you. This birthday of his made me realize that we are living our dream. What more can we ask for! so, instead of wishing for more, on this birthday, we counted our blessings and of course he counted the number of dishes I made!!
July 24, 2009
Story Time
Thanks to all the reading we do to our 4 year old, she is now becoming a story teller. She can whip a story in seconds. Where ever we are what ever we are doing, one of us just needs to say "Saumya, tell us a story, will ya?" You would barely finish your sentence and the story is already starting. Yesterday afternoon, both of us were on bed and I requested her to tell me a story. She was facing the bedroom entrance and a night lamp was near her. And here it goes.....
"There lived a lamp and a door. So they thought of having some fun. They thought and thought and after a lot of thinking they decided to have a Treat Party!!
"What is a treat party?"
Mama, its a party where we don't eat any healthy food, only treats.
So the door said alright I will get the table and the lamp said I will get pretty dishes and cups and bowls for the treat party. And then they brought candy, chocolate donuts and ice creme. Mama, do you want them to bring anything else to the party?
And my Indian tongue started rolling "Oh yeah pakoda, samosa, chaat, gol gappas......."
"Ok, mamma, we can bring anything as long as its unhealthy" !!!
So with the party and all its work, it took a long time to set up and there came night time. So the lamp said "I am getting switched off, its night now, time to sleep"
And the door said "Yeah, I am also getting closed"
"There lived a lamp and a door. So they thought of having some fun. They thought and thought and after a lot of thinking they decided to have a Treat Party!!
"What is a treat party?"
Mama, its a party where we don't eat any healthy food, only treats.
So the door said alright I will get the table and the lamp said I will get pretty dishes and cups and bowls for the treat party. And then they brought candy, chocolate donuts and ice creme. Mama, do you want them to bring anything else to the party?
And my Indian tongue started rolling "Oh yeah pakoda, samosa, chaat, gol gappas......."
"Ok, mamma, we can bring anything as long as its unhealthy" !!!
So with the party and all its work, it took a long time to set up and there came night time. So the lamp said "I am getting switched off, its night now, time to sleep"
And the door said "Yeah, I am also getting closed"
July 01, 2009
Know your sources
A year back Saumya spent all her TV time watching Maisy and friends. It's a fun and peaceful show where with a man's voice narrating maisy's moves and thankfully no mysteries to solve or adventures to undertake. Simple and mundane things that child does all day. But then she grew out of it. So yesterday, she took out a Maisy board where you put magnetic stickers to create various themes and started asking me if I remember this part and that part of Maisy show as if I am a part of some trivia game show. We started thinking of all the names of Maisy's friends,Charlie the Crocodile, Eddie the Elephant, Tallulah the chicken but we just couldn't get around the Squirrel's name. I said "wow I just can't seem to remember this little friend's name, I don't know sweety"
And the 4 year old brain got an idea! "Mamma if you don't know the Squirrel's name, open your laptop and ask Google. I am sure you will get an answer"!!!!
Very soon she will be telling me all about all the things I said I don't know, not because i didn't know the answer but just because I wanted to get out of the cartoons world and do something else! And you thought Google has made parenting easier!
And the 4 year old brain got an idea! "Mamma if you don't know the Squirrel's name, open your laptop and ask Google. I am sure you will get an answer"!!!!
Very soon she will be telling me all about all the things I said I don't know, not because i didn't know the answer but just because I wanted to get out of the cartoons world and do something else! And you thought Google has made parenting easier!

June 27, 2009
Mastering Techniques
Today was a wonderful family day. All three of us spent the entire day outside, me cleaning the cars, husband working in the yard and Saumya darling running around mindlessly while trying to get either one's attention.
Daddy see, I am digging the grass. Oh my, please don't dig the lawn Saumya!
Mamma see I can throw the rocks far away. Honey, throwing rocks can hurt someone.
Little girl was losing the typical childish frivolous animation about herself and was quickly becoming grumpy.
So daddy dear thought of using this 4 year old's time for a purpose and giving her a sense of worth. Hey Saumya, do you see all those weeds in that mulched area. We worked so hard but weeds are ruining everything.
Yes Daddy, its not looking pretty!
So sweety, can you pull out these weeds?
Of course I can!
And she haphazardly starting working in her usual playful manner.
So daddy thought of giving a lesson to the little girl in weeding.
Saumya, I will tell you a technique which will help you take these weeds out the easy way. Blah blah blah blah........went on for few minutes.
So you got it now?
Yes but Daddy another easy way to pull the weeds out which will take the weeds out really fast is that you do it with me!!
June 24, 2009
Rapid Fire Round

Recent questions by our 4.5 yr old girl
1. Who is exactly God?
2. What happens to us when we are dead and why can't any one see us then?
3. Why do birds have to fly around for food and why do my story books show them working in the kitchens like us?
4. Why only some teachers are good?
5. What is that thing in water that puts the fire away?
6. Why do we need summer vacation? (!!)
June 18, 2009
Don't get emotional
Once a friend in college asked me how my mom's baigan bharta tastes so good and I proudly said "she roasts it really well" and the next day she opens hr lunch box with chapatis and some black blob, I made it by roasting very well, taste it!! Oh Kavita, God Bless you!!
The secret to make good bharta lies on roasting. First the eggplants needs to be roasted well, so well that their outer skin gets charred and comes off with a crackling sound. I do this step under the broiler. And the second roasting step is done on the stove when the mashed up eggplant is sauteed with tomatoes and onions. This takes time and patience and if you hurry through this step, the eggplant will be undercooked and you will get that raw taste. Not something to crave or praise!
So if you promise yourself to not skimp on roasting process, here the recipe you can follow. But please don't get emotional like my friend and know when to stop!
Eggplants - 2 big. (while buying the eggplants look for the ones on lighter side, they tend to lesser seeds)
Tomatoes - 2 big , chopped
Onions - One big, chopped
Green Chili - 2 to 3, chopped finely
Ginger - an inch, chopped finely
Turn the oven on the High Broil setting. Make a cut in the eggplants with a knife for the steam to vent out. This is very important or they will burst inside the oven making a huge mess!! Put the on a cookie sheet and leave them in the oven for about 40 minutes.
Take them out of the oven and leave on the counter to cool.
In the meantime chop the onions, tomatoes, ginger and green chilies.
Put a pan on medium flame, put one tbsp. oil and saute onions. Once they turn translucent and little pink in color, put in the tomatoes, ginger and green chili. Keep stirring in between. While this is getting cooked, peel the eggplant and scoop out the flesh, leaving out as many seeds as you can. If the peels comes off very easily, it means you broiled them good. Now mash this flesh with your hands and then toss it in the pan with tomato onion mixture. Put in salt as per your taste, tsp each of coriander powder, cumin powder, red chili powder. Keep the flame below medium and keep stirring in between.
It fills the kitchen with a delicious aroma, once all liquid dries up and bharta looks brownish red, its ready. Garnish it some chopped cilantro leaves and serve hot with chapatis and your choice of raita.
The secret to make good bharta lies on roasting. First the eggplants needs to be roasted well, so well that their outer skin gets charred and comes off with a crackling sound. I do this step under the broiler. And the second roasting step is done on the stove when the mashed up eggplant is sauteed with tomatoes and onions. This takes time and patience and if you hurry through this step, the eggplant will be undercooked and you will get that raw taste. Not something to crave or praise!
So if you promise yourself to not skimp on roasting process, here the recipe you can follow. But please don't get emotional like my friend and know when to stop!
Eggplants - 2 big. (while buying the eggplants look for the ones on lighter side, they tend to lesser seeds)
Tomatoes - 2 big , chopped
Onions - One big, chopped
Green Chili - 2 to 3, chopped finely
Ginger - an inch, chopped finely
Turn the oven on the High Broil setting. Make a cut in the eggplants with a knife for the steam to vent out. This is very important or they will burst inside the oven making a huge mess!! Put the on a cookie sheet and leave them in the oven for about 40 minutes.
Take them out of the oven and leave on the counter to cool.
In the meantime chop the onions, tomatoes, ginger and green chilies.
Put a pan on medium flame, put one tbsp. oil and saute onions. Once they turn translucent and little pink in color, put in the tomatoes, ginger and green chili. Keep stirring in between. While this is getting cooked, peel the eggplant and scoop out the flesh, leaving out as many seeds as you can. If the peels comes off very easily, it means you broiled them good. Now mash this flesh with your hands and then toss it in the pan with tomato onion mixture. Put in salt as per your taste, tsp each of coriander powder, cumin powder, red chili powder. Keep the flame below medium and keep stirring in between.


June 10, 2009
June 01, 2009
Why are babies lovely
On a Sunday evening, family is having tea time watching Hindi TV, that's what my daughter calls Zee TV as that's the only Indian channel we get here. I am getting all nostalgic because they are showing a synopsis of HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN, with few scenes and lots of songs. And then comes the songs "Pehla Pehla Pyaar Hai, Pehli Pheli Baar Hai
The couple keeps going around the room while Salman sings and Madhuri blushes all the time. I am enjoying every moment of it when I hear a 4 year old voice
No, I do not deliver a smart parent answer rather I get in a fit of laughter which no matter how hard I try to stop, just keeps going. 4 year old gets agitated and keeps on repeating "WHAT ARE THEY DOING??!"
With no answer from me, she concludes he is giving her love.
Host of the show abruptly shows up and talks a bit and then shows another scene where Salman is sitting with a baby in his lap.
This time the 4 year old says "Mamma, dekho, wo pyar ker rahe thhey na pehley, ab baby nikal pada. Isliye hi to babies itni pyarey hotey hain" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Translation : Mamma, see they were giving love to each other and now they have a baby. That's why babies are so lovely coz they are made with love.
The couple keeps going around the room while Salman sings and Madhuri blushes all the time. I am enjoying every moment of it when I hear a 4 year old voice
No, I do not deliver a smart parent answer rather I get in a fit of laughter which no matter how hard I try to stop, just keeps going. 4 year old gets agitated and keeps on repeating "WHAT ARE THEY DOING??!"
With no answer from me, she concludes he is giving her love.
Host of the show abruptly shows up and talks a bit and then shows another scene where Salman is sitting with a baby in his lap.
This time the 4 year old says "Mamma, dekho, wo pyar ker rahe thhey na pehley, ab baby nikal pada. Isliye hi to babies itni pyarey hotey hain" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Translation : Mamma, see they were giving love to each other and now they have a baby. That's why babies are so lovely coz they are made with love.
May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
Hope you all ladies out there had a nice Mother's Day! My beautiful day started when I was sleeping. Well yes, because the other two souls in the house made sure not to make a peep so mamma darling can peacefully snore till she wants to. These well meaning souls didn't know or expect that mamma can really sleep for a very long time, so at 10 a.m they barged in with a big hug, chirpy smile and little hands holding a card written in prettiest handwriting which goes up and down and scatters everywhere like love.
Being a mother, when comes with perks like this, makes it even more of an exciting job. Father and daughter did a wonderful job making me feel special throughout the day. I had a fabulous day.
Thanks to everyone who sent me emails wishing Mother's Day.
My 4 year old wrote "Have Happy Mudurs Day" and then handed me a bag full of lotions and body cremes so your skin can stay as soft as it is. Mamma loves lotions, anything that keeps things smooth, if you know what I mean!
A single cup of tea was served with an announcement that we are going to have breakfast at The Hilton. Oh my, I love being a mother!! And boy did we eat breakfast like a king. Continental breakfast is one of the best ways to start a special day. Bagels, croissants, muffins, pancakes, coffee, tea, fresh juices, fresh cut up fruits, and someone pouring coffee every time your cup goes empty. What's not to love! Just when I thought the treats are over, came another announcement. We are heading to the mall to buy mamma this..........

Thanks to everyone who sent me emails wishing Mother's Day.
May 05, 2009
Reader's Digest : 4 year old with No More MYS(miss)TERY

Ch-i-ca-go U-No, Chicago Uno, hey that's the resteraunt I wanted to go to! Stop here, its right here, I just read the name.
"yeah, you can ready everything hunh!"
"Toys R Us" that is a toy store, its been many days we bought a toy. Let's go in here"
"Ba-r-nes.........ooooaaaaaawaaaaaa, daddy I was reading that and you just kept on driving, you didn't stop the car so I could finish reading that board. Mamma what store was that?"
Barnes and Noble, that is a book store.
"I need to buy books so I never have to stop reading, let's go in there"
"Here Saumya, you needed a sun hat. Try that on but don't take the tags off yet"
"Mamma, you brought this from T J Maxx? The tag says T J maxx and the label says Oshkosh, so the company that made this hat is Oshkosh. I can read it"
Yes and yes
"Mamma, that car store had a board on it that said Toyota. Is it a company that makes cars?"
"Our is VolksWagon, right mamma? I read in on your car manual."
"That board says 'we have all kinds of flowers', lets go in there, we can buy flowers, I love flowers"
On the back of a magazine
"It takes a special chocoloate to make everyone happy"
"Mamma, why does it take special chocolate to make everyone happy? You eat chocolate? Maybe we can eat one and become happy now"!!
After reading the entire grocery list........
"Mamma, you didn't write mango in there, we need mangoes too"
"I see UNO again, let's go to Uno. I am hungry. I just read it. Its right here"
Saumya choose a book for bed sweety!
"Actually I will read it myself, you can listen"
May 01, 2009
Being a mother

IHM tagged me days back to do this. It took me longer than I expected, sorry IHM! Lets get on to it without any further delay!
I became a mom about 4 and a half years back to a lovely girl who instead of being a part of my life, well became my life.
I love being her anchor, all the time. She runs to me to share her ups as well as her downfalls. she looks forward to my opinion and tries to match up to my expectations. I love being such a VIP in some one's life.
I love those big hugs that she gives me when I am sad. "Mamma, don't worry I am with you" these words just bring the world to me. And then asks daddy "What did you do to mamma, she is sad. Go take care of her"
I love the fact that my hugs can take care of most of the problems she has.
I love being a mom to this girl who is turning out to be such a fashionista, she wants to have her own designing company. She will be my accomplice in crime in future!
I love being a mom when my husband when sees me in conversation with 4 year old and thinks, I got to learn those skills!
I love being a mom when my girl tells her teacher in school "my mum is the best chef in the whole wide world"
I love being a mom when I get those little thank you notes appreciating all I do for her.
I love being a mom when every single day makes me realize more and more worth of my own mom.
I love being a mom when saying bye at the school door, she says to me "I will come back to you, so be happy"
Motherhood feels great most of the times. It makes me introspect more on my weaknesses as well as strengths. I love being a mom when my 4 year old questions things that we take for granted and force us to think more and talk about those little big things. "what is inside our body that stores love? why was I born?"
I love being a mom when every night while coming out of her bedroom I say "good night, I love you" and she says "I love you too and you know my love will never finish up"
My heart swells with pride when my daughter stand up for herself and doesn't care much about the popular opinion and goes "But I like it"
I do miss my child free care free days but I would not trade my motherhood for anything. I love being a mom.
Last but not the least by any means, I love being a mom when I wish my mom A Very Happy Mother's Day and she says "to you too"
image courtesy :
April 04, 2009
Credit Crunch
One casual morning, Saumya having her breakfast downstairs before she leaves for school. Mom isn't well, so daddy is getting ready to drop her today. Mom tells him to take her mittens with him.
Daddy goes downstairs
Kya laye ho? (Daddy, what have you brought?)
Main aapke Mittens laya hoon! (I brought your mittens)
Oh, wo to mamma ne diye hongey, aapko kahan pata hai ki mujhey kay kya le jana hota hai school (Mamma must have given you those, you would not know what I need to take to school)!!!!!!!!
Daddy embarrassed, roared into laughter thinking no one gives credit here!
Daddy goes downstairs
Kya laye ho? (Daddy, what have you brought?)
Main aapke Mittens laya hoon! (I brought your mittens)
Oh, wo to mamma ne diye hongey, aapko kahan pata hai ki mujhey kay kya le jana hota hai school (Mamma must have given you those, you would not know what I need to take to school)!!!!!!!!
Daddy embarrassed, roared into laughter thinking no one gives credit here!
April 02, 2009
Have Spinach, Will Not Puree!
Every few days I get this idea of incorporating more and more greens to our food. Dear Husband says you know most of the wine bottles are green too, why worry with all the chopping and cooking! i say we have a 4 year old, we need to set up an example and then I do want to be here to be able to see her all grown up! And then comes the grocery day when I buy the dreaded old spinach, ehh, yuck! Ma would say , you know make palak paneer, its very good for health and tastes divine. Mother in law will say Palak dal is very yummy, FIl gulps down bowls of it, try it, you will like it. I made all those famous palak dishes and when we sit down to eat, I am unusually the slowest, daughter and father keep moving their spoons in the bowl and finally 4 year old will get the smartest idea of finishing all the paneer, leaving behind palak. Can't blame her, I do not like palak when its made into a puree. It reminds me of henna/mehandi and I just can't eat it. But you got to eat your greens!! So yesterday I sauteed leftover rice with onions, tomatoes and green chillies and threw in the usual salt, red chilli powder, garam masala and when it all got mixed in with rice, I chopped two big handfuls of baby spinach and tossed in, put the lid on and let it soften a little. Just before eating sprinkled a little lime juice over rice and I was in spinach heaven. If you are like me and run away every time you see spinach, I say try it, you might like spinach too!!
March 30, 2009
Morning Delight
On a Saturday morning, family still in bed.
"Mamma, I was thinking and now I want to tell you something"
Unhun, please do.
"You know I was thinking that God makes people and everything else. So when its time to make a baby, Mamma becomes God, so baby can be made, because you know people cannot make people, only God can make people and when the baby is ready to be born then God becomes mamma, because only mamma can take care of a baby perfectly"
And my saturday morning started with teary eyes and a big hug to this delightful 4 year old.
"Mamma, I was thinking and now I want to tell you something"
Unhun, please do.
"You know I was thinking that God makes people and everything else. So when its time to make a baby, Mamma becomes God, so baby can be made, because you know people cannot make people, only God can make people and when the baby is ready to be born then God becomes mamma, because only mamma can take care of a baby perfectly"
And my saturday morning started with teary eyes and a big hug to this delightful 4 year old.
March 26, 2009
Revisiting School Memories
I have been close to bengali culture since childhood. My school used to get aid from the West bengal govt. and in turn they wanted the school to encourage bengali culture. Rabinidra sangeet was our school's forte'. Most of our teachers as well as classmates were bengalis. Saraswati Puja was our biggest festival which is till today attended by the alumni as well. Every girl would dress up in her best clothes and it was like a red carpet event with seniors standing at the gate and giving a once over to each and every girl entering through the gate. "oh my, what a lovely sari, is it your mom's?" hey that lehanga looks nice and the more so called modern ones would go for trendy jeans and skirts which were otherwise banned in school!
"Bolo bolo saraswati mai ki, Jai" sounds would fill the ambiance from aarti pandal. Nostalgia :-)
Surprisingly I never got introduced to bengali food!! But yesterday, over at Asha's food blog , I read about Luchis and it being a bengali bread, brought back all memories from school.
I recreated her recipes today and the biggest food snob, our 4 year old gave the verdict "Thumbs Up".
I did use haldi to make luchis yellow in color but surprisingly they turned pink, no one is complaining though! We love pink! I served those with Chana masala following Asha's recipe. Delicious!
Thank you Asha!
March 20, 2009
Happy Spring
Happy First day of spring mamma!!
Happy first day of spring to you as well sweety Saumya!!
Happy first day of spring Daddy!!
Daddy can barely open his eyes after working till 3 am.
Thank you Saumya. (sleepily)
Daddy, we don't say Thank you, we say Happy Spring to you too!! Kucch nahi aata aapko. (you don't know anything!)
March 18, 2009
Preschool Breakfast chit chat
Mamma, What are you doing ?
Yes, so I can make them whenever I want and you know I love to cook.
Packing your lunch.
But what are you doing ?!
But I am packing your lunch!!!
What part of lunch packing are you doing at this time??
I am making Rava Idli batter.
Oh, I like Idlis. What part of making the batter are you doing now?
I am doing the tarka of mustard, dal and cashews . ( why doesn't she just eat her breakfast?)
Why are you doing that?
What? What do you mean by that question? (Oh great, now she questions my cooking skills!! )
Why do we do tarka?
It gives nice flavor to idlis and you will like the bite when it brings sweet cashew and nutty mustard in your mouth!!
Yes, I think I will like that. Can you tell me the recipe??
Of Idli !
To you?
March 17, 2009
Peace Rose

The rose Saumya had in her hand is called "Peace Rose" and it stays in her classroom. Whenever anyone comes up to the teacher with a complaint about another child, instead of jumping into the Q & A of who did it? etc etc., the teacher asks the complainer if she would like to use the peace rose. The grieving person (A) goes back to the person with whom (B) she had a tiff. Seeing the peace rose, both get ready for communication.
A (Holding the peace rose) : B, you did(fill with whatever she/he did) and it made me sad or angry or upset......
In the playground when I couldn't hear, It seems the older girls didn't want to play with 4 year old Saumya and shouted at her, so Saumya was saying D you shouted at me and that made me very very sad.
The peace rose goes to the other person now.
B(Holding the peace rose): I am sorry, I didn't know it will hurt you or make you sad....I will not do it again.
And the peace rose goes back to its place.
What purpose does this serve?
First of all, no one ever gets hurt by thinking that the teacher did not take their side. Kids, as young as 4 year old learn to tackle their own problems. They are not afraid to approach the older kid because they have a peace rose in hand, a symbol of patching up, of mellowing down, of letting go and most importantly of being friends again. Instead of answering back violently, they learn to solve their problems with communication. Which seriously, we all can use some!
pic. courtesy
March 16, 2009
Religion and God
What is my religion?
I have a God and have a very personal relationship with Him. The idea of a pundit, priest or a pujari to help me get to My God doesn't work with me. This is one place where the middlemen doesn't stand a chance with me. I don't need to wake my god with bells of a temple or by doing holy fires or by cooking the priest prescribed food for Him. I can talk to Him whenever I want and need to. For me, It's like picking up the phone and start talking to your buddy. To me He is always reachable. I share my happiness with Him and I do not forget to tell Him when he mess up.
My Religion
1. Doesn't empower me to judge the way others communicate with God. It's the way they find Him.
2. Does not depend on rituals. Once I was advised by well meaning aunt to start offering water to Shiva. The temple was very close to our house, the Almighty was just a few steps away! With all reluctance I began the process of going to the temple every Monday and offering water. While pouring water down the Deity, all I could see was water going down the drain and just kept on wondering who is getting benefited by this wasteful act of mine? Aunt said it would please the God. And my questioning self was not able to justify how an act of wasting a precious resource, for which, in most parts of India, people line up to fill their buckets but still go home empty handed, would make God happy? I could not find my God that way.
I am unable to reach my God when I have to follow directions set by others, whether it is covering my head, using only a stainless steel dish, throwing only "a pair" of cloves in fire, or a simple task of first sprinkling water and then offering mithai to the idol or taking off my slippers. In this labyrinth of directions and rules I just lose contact with the God, who is mine. When I do participate in such rituals to fit in the norms of society it seems a mockery on my part. I feel disconnected from Him and my mind just wanders off to other things and just wait in anticipation of getting to be done with it. The rites and rituals bother me, they offer no meaning to me, they put pressure on me, a pressure to perform and perform it right. It makes me feel small, smaller than the person who has decided for me these ways of connecting with God. I feel nearest to God when I get to celebrate festivals my way, I do not bother others, mind just my own business and do not poke in others lives and when I close my eyes I can ask Him, how are things for Him too!!
And in the eyes of others I become a non religious person. Really? Why? Is religion only valid if I follow the rituals?
I have a God and have a very personal relationship with Him. The idea of a pundit, priest or a pujari to help me get to My God doesn't work with me. This is one place where the middlemen doesn't stand a chance with me. I don't need to wake my god with bells of a temple or by doing holy fires or by cooking the priest prescribed food for Him. I can talk to Him whenever I want and need to. For me, It's like picking up the phone and start talking to your buddy. To me He is always reachable. I share my happiness with Him and I do not forget to tell Him when he mess up.
My Religion
1. Doesn't empower me to judge the way others communicate with God. It's the way they find Him.
2. Does not depend on rituals. Once I was advised by well meaning aunt to start offering water to Shiva. The temple was very close to our house, the Almighty was just a few steps away! With all reluctance I began the process of going to the temple every Monday and offering water. While pouring water down the Deity, all I could see was water going down the drain and just kept on wondering who is getting benefited by this wasteful act of mine? Aunt said it would please the God. And my questioning self was not able to justify how an act of wasting a precious resource, for which, in most parts of India, people line up to fill their buckets but still go home empty handed, would make God happy? I could not find my God that way.
I am unable to reach my God when I have to follow directions set by others, whether it is covering my head, using only a stainless steel dish, throwing only "a pair" of cloves in fire, or a simple task of first sprinkling water and then offering mithai to the idol or taking off my slippers. In this labyrinth of directions and rules I just lose contact with the God, who is mine. When I do participate in such rituals to fit in the norms of society it seems a mockery on my part. I feel disconnected from Him and my mind just wanders off to other things and just wait in anticipation of getting to be done with it. The rites and rituals bother me, they offer no meaning to me, they put pressure on me, a pressure to perform and perform it right. It makes me feel small, smaller than the person who has decided for me these ways of connecting with God. I feel nearest to God when I get to celebrate festivals my way, I do not bother others, mind just my own business and do not poke in others lives and when I close my eyes I can ask Him, how are things for Him too!!
And in the eyes of others I become a non religious person. Really? Why? Is religion only valid if I follow the rituals?
March 09, 2009
Happy Holi

Holi is a festival of colors, it marks the arrival of spring with flowers blooming everywhere. It also marks the end of winter and also of the spirit of rejuvenation.
I have never been a big fan of Holi,that is the whole water throwing and color spraying, a tilak of gulal and I am done. Try more and you lose me as a friend! My Holi day was spent hiding inside the house watching TV and a knock on the door was enough to send me to the bathroom to stay away from the enthusiastic holi tolis. But I was the first one to request ma to make those pillows stuffed with yummies, yes I am talking about Gujiyas! Celebrations of holi always started with Gujiya's made by mom two days before Holi. Me and my elder brother would do anything to keep ma undisturbed while she is at this labor intensive work. The fruit of her labor was just too good. Bhaiya would start with one and then in 2 hours or so some family member was heard saying "Yes teri biswi hai, bus ker de ab!" (This is your twentieth, stop it already) Mum would find him loitering around the kitchen for "just one more" Ahh, childhood!
Here in States, I don't need to do any efforts to stay away from holi tolis. Infact, may a times its hard to find color and we end up using our daughters washable paint colors!Being in the northeast, Holi is hardly the end of winter(we are going a snow storm right this moment!) My husband, like me is a big fan of Gujiyas. So this year I decided to start the Gujiya making at home, just like ma. I don't like sweets with overpowering sweetness and that's why I keep my Gujiyas simple by not dipping them in sugar syrup.
Oh, in case you are salivating here's the recipe :-)
Ingredients for Filling
Khoya (Mawa) 400 gms
Suji 1/2 cup
Powdered Sugar 2 cups
Raisins a Handful
Cardamom Powder 1 tsp
Crumble or grate khoya. Take a heavy bottomed pan and roast khoya till it turns very light caramel color.You will need to keep stirring it continuously or it will burn! Keep it aside.
Roast Suji the same way. Suji will take much less time than khoya. Keep it aside.
Mix all the above ingredients and your filling is ready.
Tired? Make a cup of tea and relax by the window, enjoy the snow and pray for real spring to show up soon! hmmmmm
For the cover
Maida (All purpose flour) 4 cups
Ghee 3 Tbsp
Water as needed to make a stiff dough
Oil for frying
Melt ghee and rub it with the flour. Work the flour well with your hands so ghee gets mixed in. Take water and make a stiff dough, like you would make for puris and not like chapati dough, which is softer. Cover it with a wet cloth and leave aside for about 30 minutes.
Now go and see if the weather God needs any more pushing!
Work the dough again to make it smooth. Spend about 10 minutes doing this.
Make lemon size balls from the dough and cover them with wet cloth. Now take one ball and roll it like a puri, about 4 inches diameter.
Take 1 tbsp filling, put in the center of the puri.
Moisten the lower edge (the one of your side) of puri with water.
Bring the top edge to the lower edge, in other words fold over the top edge to seal the edges. I use the back of a fork to pinch two layers together which makes those lovely marks while sealing the edges as well.
Now do like this for all dough balls.
I roll out 10 puris at a time, fill them and cover them with wet cloth. And then roll out 10 again and so on....
Now take a heavy bottomed kadai, pour oil for frying. Heat oil, the flame should not be very high or you would get very stiff Gujiyas which have raw dough inside. Keep the flame somewhere between low to medium. Fry two to three gujiyas at a time and let them turn light brown by turning often. Take them out on a paper towel and let them cool. And there you go, Voila! Your Gujiyas are ready. Spring or not, taste from home brings back all the warm memories in every bite and makes all the effort worth.
Once Gujiyas cool down, they can be stored in an air tight container for about 10 days or so. But I don't think you will be able to save them for so long!
Happy Holi!!
image courtesy
March 02, 2009
Let's talk business
Our 4 year old wakes up everyday for school with an alarm, we love the tranquility we have achieved with this. Every morning she comes to our bedroom with a big cheery smile and a loud "Hello Guys, time to wake up!!" I tell ya, it wakes us all up with lovely smiles and the house gets going for the day without much hassle. And then comes Sunday morning when we parents want to sleep in late, stay and cuddle under covers for as long as we can and catch up on the rest we have been craving for throughout the week. But a 4 year old is an absolute individual. Alarm or not, she wakes up at the same time and rushes to greet us with that big cheery HELLO GUYS and both of us go, nooo, go back to bed, sleep some more, I am sleepy, pick up a book and use your newly acquired reading skills ! Of course, all those meek requests get rejected and she keeps pulling us out of the bed. "Come sweety, why don't you join us and snuggle under covers??" Many of the times this offer works and she happily jumps in. Now do we all sleep some more? You would think so but she is a 4 and she is a girl. So once she is awake, she has the obligation to be chatty. "Mamma, I am thinking about a thing"
ummmmmm, ya?
"Ya, I am thinking about a thing that needs to be in stores for people to buy"
"I am thinking about flowers that we can eat"
"You know a snack in the shape of flowers. But they will not be ready to eat flowers. They will be in a box which has three sections. One section will have the center of the flower in circle shape, another section will have its petals and one more section will have the stem. So the person who wants to eat that snack, will open the box and make a flower by putting all the given pieces together and then will have a flower snack ready to eat. It will be so much fun to eat the snack because you get to make it too"
Now that did bring me out of slumber and I thought wow I was never that creative!
"And you know, they will be edible flowers, so they will be safe to eat but very colorful like real flowers. Can you buy that snack for me next time we go to the supermarket?"
Well, I am not sure if they have any such thing in stores for us to buy.
"You can try mamma and if they don't have it then we will make it and put it on the grocery stores shelves. We will sell edible flowers" !!!!!
I am thinking we should all get up early on Sundays, who knows when we think of the next big idea.
ummmmmm, ya?
"Ya, I am thinking about a thing that needs to be in stores for people to buy"
"I am thinking about flowers that we can eat"
"You know a snack in the shape of flowers. But they will not be ready to eat flowers. They will be in a box which has three sections. One section will have the center of the flower in circle shape, another section will have its petals and one more section will have the stem. So the person who wants to eat that snack, will open the box and make a flower by putting all the given pieces together and then will have a flower snack ready to eat. It will be so much fun to eat the snack because you get to make it too"
Now that did bring me out of slumber and I thought wow I was never that creative!
"And you know, they will be edible flowers, so they will be safe to eat but very colorful like real flowers. Can you buy that snack for me next time we go to the supermarket?"
Well, I am not sure if they have any such thing in stores for us to buy.
"You can try mamma and if they don't have it then we will make it and put it on the grocery stores shelves. We will sell edible flowers" !!!!!
I am thinking we should all get up early on Sundays, who knows when we think of the next big idea.
February 25, 2009
Flavors of home
Our dinner last night! We served it to Saumya as Chip(Makki ki roti) and Dip(Sarson ka saag). She ate ever last bit of the green dip with thick chips!
I have not missed my mom like this before, she is on my mind all the time. It may sound weird but to feel closer I am cooking few of her favorite foods these days. She loves Sarson ka saag with makki ki roti but I never liked this dish and now every bite reminded me of the warmth of home, of ma's lovingly bringing rotis hot off the stove for all of us. I love you ma, I wish I could be with you.
February 24, 2009
Story Teller
Our 4 year old loves to read stories, loves to hear stories and is now developing the skill of telling a story.
Lazying around after dinner she told us two little stories.
A Plant
There was a plant who wanted to play. So the plant thought that she wanted to play. The plant decided to go out to play. The plant was outside playing. While playing the plant saw it's reflection in the pond and felt it needed a bath. The plant went to the beach where it played with sand and then plant's mamma called her inside the house.
The End
*Both of us, me and husband were in fits of laughter but managed successfully to hide from the storyteller*
The Rose
Once upon a time there was a flower- flower rose. The rose thought how nice it would be for someone to hold me. The rose wanted someone to draw its picture on a paper. The rose then wanted its picture to be cut from the paper and hanged on the wall so the wall can look beautiful.
The End.
I loved this story with a clear beginning, a plot and then a clear ending.
Lazying around after dinner she told us two little stories.
A Plant
There was a plant who wanted to play. So the plant thought that she wanted to play. The plant decided to go out to play. The plant was outside playing. While playing the plant saw it's reflection in the pond and felt it needed a bath. The plant went to the beach where it played with sand and then plant's mamma called her inside the house.
The End
*Both of us, me and husband were in fits of laughter but managed successfully to hide from the storyteller*
The Rose
Once upon a time there was a flower- flower rose. The rose thought how nice it would be for someone to hold me. The rose wanted someone to draw its picture on a paper. The rose then wanted its picture to be cut from the paper and hanged on the wall so the wall can look beautiful.
The End.
I loved this story with a clear beginning, a plot and then a clear ending.
February 23, 2009
February 11, 2009
Observe, will ya?
"Daddy, tomorrow Mamma is coming to my classroom to Observe"
Observe What?
"To observe me. Ms.C has invited her to observe how I work in the classroom"
Hmm, interesting.
"Mamma, you will be there, right?"
Would not miss it for a thing.
"It will be exciting, extra special day for me mamma"
Awww, come here, mvah, love you!
In the Classroom
Saumya is cutting a banana, which means, she was preparing a snack for me so when I enter the room she has something to offer me! Did I just melt seeing her or what!
Then she grabbed my hand and guided me to the observation chair and asked me to sit "Mamma pls sit here" Awwww, did I just melt again?
And then she went around the classroom serving snack to everyone and came to me as well. "Mamma, would you like to have a banana piece?"
Awwww, did I just melt again?!
After this she went about doing her stuff, cleaning the banana cutting work board, washed and dried the serving bowl, wiped the table and gave me the prettiest smile while working! Awwwww, did I just melt again?!
Observe What?
"To observe me. Ms.C has invited her to observe how I work in the classroom"
Hmm, interesting.
"Mamma, you will be there, right?"
Would not miss it for a thing.
"It will be exciting, extra special day for me mamma"
Awww, come here, mvah, love you!
In the Classroom
Saumya is cutting a banana, which means, she was preparing a snack for me so when I enter the room she has something to offer me! Did I just melt seeing her or what!
Then she grabbed my hand and guided me to the observation chair and asked me to sit "Mamma pls sit here" Awwww, did I just melt again?
And then she went around the classroom serving snack to everyone and came to me as well. "Mamma, would you like to have a banana piece?"
Awwww, did I just melt again?!
After this she went about doing her stuff, cleaning the banana cutting work board, washed and dried the serving bowl, wiped the table and gave me the prettiest smile while working! Awwwww, did I just melt again?!
February 05, 2009
Not Simple
Last night, much against my liking, bedtime story that our 4 year old picked up was about Cinderella's simple wedding. One of my friend gifted her this book on her first birthday and I keep telling her that these stories are far from reality and if you are reading something better put your hands on something that keeps you close to ground. The book was hidden somewhere but the girl has such good memory that she made me dig for it. And sometimes I just let it be. So the story was how everyone wants Cinderella to have a fancy and lavish wedding with everything big and elaborate while she is hoping to have a real simple affair which in the end she did get and was very happy.
"Mamma, why was Cinderella getting married?"
"Hmm, because she wanted to get married. Like me and your dad"
"Mamma, will I also get married?"
"Yes, if you want to"
"But you know when I get married, it will not be simple at all. It will be very very special, with everything extra special. Yes, mine will be a fancy wedding"
IHM, in her post talks about how her daughter wants to have a big wedding too, seems there is a wave of fancy in the air!
"Mamma, why was Cinderella getting married?"
"Hmm, because she wanted to get married. Like me and your dad"
"Mamma, will I also get married?"
"Yes, if you want to"
"But you know when I get married, it will not be simple at all. It will be very very special, with everything extra special. Yes, mine will be a fancy wedding"
IHM, in her post talks about how her daughter wants to have a big wedding too, seems there is a wave of fancy in the air!
February 04, 2009
Pyari Bitiya
I hear the alarm go off in Saumya's room and quickly run to the toilet to be done before she comes. As I am washing hands she open the door to our bedroom and comes in and doesn't find me on the bed.
"Mamma, dekho aapki pyaari bitiya aayee hai, pyaar do na" (mom see your lovely daughter is here, give love already!)
"Mamma, dekho aapki pyaari bitiya aayee hai, pyaar do na" (mom see your lovely daughter is here, give love already!)
February 02, 2009
Step back, please!
Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed - Maria Montessori
A day at our house goes --------
Daughter - "I wanted to turn that light on"
Off and then on again.
" I wanted to close that door"
Open and close again.
" I wanted to take that sweater out of the drawer"
Sweater gets folded again, goes back in the drawer and then gets taken out again with a gleeful face
"I wanted to hang that towel back on my own"
Towel comes down the bar, girl steps on the stool and hangs it again.
"I wanted to put butter on my toast myself"
Hmm, this can't be undone, so she becomes the big person and says "Don't forget it next time, OK?"
"I wanted to put my syrup on pancakes all by myself"
This can't be undone too, so she again tries to be the big person "Just like I said about my toast, don't forget that I will put my own syrup everyday"
When will us, the parents, grow up??
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