October 18, 2008

Introducing Diana Designs

The environment is very hostile for established businesses with even the once considered hallmark companies falling every day but a 4 year old lives in a world where everything is possible, anytime. If you have been following my blog, you would know our 4 year old is exploring many professions and does not want to be bound with only one. On being presented with the question What do you want to be when you grow up, she has a lot to say. It is not a one word answer as the questioner might expect. I would like to be Engineer in the day time, a Train Driver in the evening and an Astronaut at night. With three jobs, I thought she is all set but now the girl in her is starting to show her head. Mamma, can an astronaut do other things? While I was trying to figure out the meaning of the question, she chirped again "I am asking this because I want to design clothes and then give them to a team of tailors to stitch them" Hmmmm, that's interesting! What will you do with all those designed clothes? "I will give them to store so people can come there and buy them" What name would be on the labels of those clothes?
Why do they need a name?
i showed her few clothes with names on the labels and talked about the name so people know who made them.
"Oh my company's name would be DIANA DESIGNS!!!"
That's a pretty name for a clothes designing company!!
"and my clothes will be sold at Target and Macys. I want everyone to buy them"

I am so looking forward to the future where I will have a personal fashion designer.
Where will you be buying clothes, let's say in about 15 years? hint hint

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