August 15, 2008

An Open Letter to My Daughter

Dear Daughter,

Since the day you have come in my life, to say the least, everything has changed. Every morning when I see you with that pure expression on your face, I know that I am God's special one who blessed me with you. Every time you call me "Mamma" my heart takes a leap, every smile of yours brings a joy I haven't ever experienced anywhere. When you are trying to learn something new, it's very difficult to witness your little struggles without jumping in with a helping hand and when you cross the hurdle and meet success, I almost skip a heartbeat. Before meeting you, I never knew one could be so gratified by someone else's achievement. Seeing you grow everyday is a delectable delight, nothing can come even close! On your birthdays, we not only celebrate you but also our parenthood. It seems that you and me are holding hands and helping each other thrive and uncover each of our potentials every moment of the day. Sometimes I boss you around and you, with such a big heart just go with flow. Sometimes we encounter difficult moments where we don't get along well but we are so very good at making up. I especially marvel at the fact that you do not hold any grudge. Being a mother to you is helping me be a better wife and a better individual as well. I might appear impatient to you but I have come a long way from when I wasn't your mom. You have taught me to keep a smiling face even when every bone in my body is exhausted. From you I have learnt to let go. Thank you for being there with your hugs when I need them the most. I love you and I love your love. Thank you.

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