Saumya: Can you wash this yogurt container?
Mamma: Yes, sure!
Saumya: Now can I play with it?
Mamma: Yes, you can.
Saumya: Why can I play with this?
Saumya: Why do we need to sleep now?
Mamma: See, how dark it is outside?
Saumya: Why is it dark?
Mamma: It's night time.
Saumya: Why is it night time?
Mamma: So we can sleep?
Saumya: Why do we sleep?
Mamma: So our bodies can relax and get refreshed for another day!
Saumya: Why do we have another day?
Mamma: So we can have all the fun again.
Saumya: Why should we have the fun again?
Mamma: You don't want to have fun?
Saumya: I do!!
Mamma: Then sleep!
Saumya: okay!
Mamma: Let's go out for a walk.
Saumya: No.
Mamma: Oh, how come?
Saumya: OK, I will go for a walk only if you take me to the end of America.
Mamma: End of what?
Saumya: America, you know my country! I want to see where it ends.
Mamma: .....Ummmmm, well....
Saumya: Do you know where it is?
Mamma: I have no idea!
Saumya: Well then let's not go for a walk!
Saumya: Mamma who is your mamma?
Mamma: Your Nani ma!
Saumya: When you were a little girl then also she was your mamma?
Mamma: Yes.
Saumya: Are you going to be my mamma even I become big like you?
Mamma: Of course! And daddy will always be your daddy and you will always be our daughter.
Saumya: That's funny!
Mamma: What's funny about it?
Saumya: The funny thing about what you said is How can something be always?
Mamma: speechless and weak in the knees and thinking- has she figured out the big reality already?
image courtesy: http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/17041.html
Udi Baba... baap re baap... endless questions of kids.. hmmmmm but nice