July 28, 2008

Lost Wisdom

Two days back someone tied my hands and legs, drugged me and robbed my wisdom! I have lost it forever and can never get it back. My family has been very supportive while I recuperate. No one is filing a report or anything though. Well, well, well, I had my wisdom tooth extraction, as some of you might have guessed by now. I took the general anesthesia route and all I remember is the surgeon telling me, “You will feel a little needle pinch here on the arm and then some tingling sensation in your legs” and then, what felt like a moment later, I was in the recovery room with someone showing my husband how to stuff my mouth with gauze and words like noodle, soft, cold were ringing in my ears. And then I opened my eyes and saw my husband's ever pleasing face admiring me. Well that was it! No pain but I am still dizzy with the anesthesia. Lost wisdom is the reason for lack of posts on the blog. Hoping to be in action soon though!
Is your wisdom intact?