December 30, 2008

The British are here!

Our family had exciting few weeks and the reasons are many fold. We just celebrated Saumya's birthday and she was so ready to be addressed as a "Four year old". You can imagine a little girl asking everyday , is it my birthday today? Though She was sad the very next day for it being over! But to keep her spirits up, her grandparents are here from India to be with her during Christmas holidays!! They were last here when she was born, so for her, this is their first trip! Now you must be wondering what's with the title of this post! Well it seems when you have kids, everyone gets to know your current affairs. Not that we have anything to hide ,umm, well you get the drift. Someone at the school parking lot asked me today "Hey I heard Saumya's grandparents are coming. How nice but whose parents, yours or the husband's?"
Oh , my husband's.
"Your in laws are coming???"
I suppose so.
"Oh honey, I am sorry!"

And this happened twice this week! Not the same exact words but the same idea! This might sound way too cliche if I say "I get along well with them" but I really do! I won;t say its a path filled with rose petals and I love to indulge that way but it's not the time for me run with jitters! If I have to describe my inlaw parents, I would say, mum is a peach and dad is a grapefruit. Oooh that didn't sound like I meant it to! Mamma is loving and helpful and she is very soft at heart. She is cozy like a warm blanket too and yes sometimes can get too warm!! Dad is good at motivating people and won't overlook your positives but the same goes for your shortcomings too!! Dad is bitter, tangy and sweet, just like eating a sour orange with salt on it. You don't know which bite you are going to only like and which ones you will simply love and want more and more. Yes, that's how he is.

But really, its nothing like everyone is making me feel it is! My parents did a wonderful job raising me, well, of course but as a person I was only appreciated after I got married, by my in laws. Everything I did, they received it with open arms. And I will be thankful for the most precious gift they gave me, My husband, their son.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Why do people have these fixed notions about each and everything? That is such a sweet post Sandhya...I am glad you like your inlaws if not as much but just the same as your own parents..all the best for a new year ahead:)

  2. You said it!! We all see everything through our own set of eyeglasses and it's difficult for most of us to see it the other way.


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