October 09, 2008

Thursday Triumph

Looking at the Dal Parantha (Indian lentil bread) in her dinner plate, Saumya made a gloomy face and said
"Mamma I wanted to eat a Cheese Sandwich"
Mamma: I didn't know that so I made a healthy parantha for you.
Saumya: Okay then I will eat an apple.
Mamma: That's a healthy choice and you can eat it after this dinner.
She rushed to the table and ate the whole parantha and yogurt and there was no mention of apple or sandwich. This went unexpectedly easy. So why did she ask for cheese sandwich, does she not like dal parantha? A 4 year old changes her likes and dislikes on the go, one moment they love a thing and the next it's the most disgusting food. But dal parantha has never failed to appease, it always does the job. So today when I heard those dreaded words I thought there goes another option, now what will be the "go to" choice to serve that can loyally and infallibly perform for this tough audience. Fortunately, my fear didn't come alive, at least not tonight! The performance was five star, you know of the kinds when you don't even need to say once "please finish your food" and still get to see an empty plate within minutes? That is what dal parantha did, yet again!
After the meal we were just chit chatting, me and the 4 year old. "Saumya, imagine there are two plates in front of you, one with dal parantha and one with cheese sandwich but you can only pick one of those, which one will you pick?"
"Ummmm, Dal Parantha" Now, this was hardly a battle but I still felt victorious, my inside voice was jumping and I almost did the arm pull saying "yesss" under my breath maybe I cannot relate to cheese sandwich the way I can to dal parantha and of course it's a healthier option of the two. Given all this, I was a wee bit surprised by her answer. "Oh how come the dal parantha? I thought you were in a mood for cheese sandwich?" and then came the reply, ahem, the drum roll please ........"because you make yummy dal pranthas Mamma"
That's my victorious Thursday. Give me a high five!!

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