January 21, 2009

Witness to history

Four year old jumped in the car yesterday after school, wearing a beads necklace given by the teacher, playing it with her fingers she said "you know mamma, it was an exciting day, I saw history being made today" Looking at my flabbergasted expression , she explained "You know Barack Obama, the one you showed me on your computer many times, I saw him becoming the President of my country America"
While I was still trying to figure out my response, she asked "What does being the President mean?"
"That means he is the care taker of the country and the leader who will hopefully work along with the rest of us to do good things for the nation and the world"

Silence for few minutes in the car and then "Will Barack Obama take good care of us?"

"We will see"
"Ya, we will,, otherwise we need to ask someone else to do that job"!!!!


  1. Hahaha!! That's what I was thinking too, he better bring it to the plate, whatever he promised!

    Clever 4 year old that one! :)

    I heard that oldest daughter of Prez Obama told him "daddy, you are the first African American president, you better be good!!" :D

  2. You are right,He better be good! This guy must be under immense pressure. I am worried if he is going to deflate like the housing market!

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Lol! he is going to be good-with so many people willing him on-he has no choice! :)

  4. Obama seems the best to me - as of now, he is great not just for America but also for the rest of the world.
    I hope years later this four year old remembers History being made with pride and satisfaction :)

  5. IHM, so lovely to see your comment! Thank you for the visit!
    Amen to what you said!

  6. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "Ya, we will,, otherwise we need to ask someone else to do that job"!!!!" - the kid has got it already.


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