January 22, 2009

Thank you!!

What a great day today, 2009 is turning out to be a great year!
I am the recipient of two awards, very generously bestowed by Mithe.Thank you so much sweety! She jots down awesome poetry, go read once and you will for sure become a follower. I wish I could give these back to you as well, and maybe I can! Your blog definitely has my heart and your words come straight from the heart too! Thank you for being my blogger friend.

Following the tradition, I pass on the 'you have my heart" award to Mithe Indian Home Maker , Chandni, Preethi and Asha. Thanks to all bloggers who make it worthwhile to spend time in the blogosphere!


  1. Thank You Sandhya :)

    I feel honored and touched that you chose to include me in your blogroll and in your list of bloggers to award.
    Thank You again :)

  2. havent been on blogger much lately.. so have been missing updates :( Thanks for the lovely award.. I am touched!!

  3. Thank you for thinking of me, S! Enjoy your awards as well!:))

    It's always enjoyable to come here and read about your lil one and smile. As a mother of a daughter myself, I understand what you say and how you feel perfectly. You do have my heart. Thanks for letting me in your world! :))

  4. Anonymous1:59 PM

    awwwwwwwwwww that's hon. Its by far one of the cutest awards! :)

  5. Thank you all for accepting it! You all are such great bloggers and inspire so many others to keep writing. Thanks again.

  6. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Lolzz-you are great! Thanks for awarding it back!Congrats and you deserve it and many more!
    Love ya :)


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