Disclaimer: Souls who like to call themselves mature and grownups in this matter might not like this post. Proceed at your own risk! I can't stop laughing, its so much fun to put these legal sounding text! Hey you are still reading? Welcome to the birthday club!
I love birthdays, any one's birthday provided I know them. Sometimes I am more excited than the birthday person. But I must say of all the people I know , I am most excited on dear husband's birthday, way more excited than he is and much more excited than I am on my birthday. Gratitude for all he keeps doing for us just permeates me and I feel like bringing the world down to him. I keep thanking my MIL in my heart on his birthday for giving birth to such a winsome soul. He is a simple man who loves humor, so easy to please and is a joy to be with. He is an adventurous foodie who can try out anything. Once at a corporate dinner at a Belgian Restaurant, after browsing through the menu he realized there was nothing vegetarian! He asked the waitress if they have any chicken dish coz that's one thing he can manage, she said I will check and what came to the table was rabbit as that was the meat they had which could closely match the flavor of chicken. And this man of mine ate it, loathed every bite but still came back home smiling! I am so glad I wasn't with him at that dinner, that would have been a sure shot way of losing the smile! Food makes me happy and boy can it make me upset!
Tomorrow is his birthday and I know even if I cook a rabbit or for that matter nothing, he will say he had a wonderful day. This post goes out to my husband to say Thank you for being who you are. We are so excited to celebrate him, we started the party one day early. Here's what we had on the preview day.
His favorite Banana Bread.
A fruity summer salad for his office lunch. This is an easy breezy no cooking involved dish. One small can of each kidney beans and garbanzo beans. Cut the fruits of your choice or whatever you have in the fridge. I raided the fridge and found pear, apricot, plum, radish and crunchy cukes. Chop all the produce and mix with the beans. For the spicy twist I added red hot pepper relish and we ended up really loving it. Sprinkle dried mint for that fresh summery flavor, add salt as per your taste and squeeze juice of half a lemon. I also added chat masala for that tangy Indian kick. It was a hit with everyone including our preschooler who is turning into this girl who boosts her ego with spicy tangy food. See, I am not a baby, I can eat spicy!
And Besan Ladoo to welcome him back home from work to kick off the birthday eve. Happy Birthday!
Who ate that one ladoo from the bowl? Looks like the party has started, see you later!