Today was the second swimming class. My preschooler wasn't happy that she is having to miss her preschool to go do something she isn't even interested in the first place. On the ride to the pool, "Are we going to school?" We are going to the swimming lesson. "I don't want to do swimming, I don't like it". Well, then we will not swim, we will just walk around, look at other kids and just bask in the sun. Its a nice sunny day today. What do you think? "That's a great idea, I think we can do that. We don't have to swim". Of course, we won't swim if its not fun for you. Would you want to watch other kids doing it and just stroll around? "Yes, I want to do that and it a great sunny day today Mamma, it will be nice to walk around".
We were 15 minutes early (purposely) for the class and there was another class in session. So we hung around, watched everyone in dormant fashion and we were subdued, we didn't want to be apprehended by anyone. We were there but we didn't want any one to proclaim our presence. We didn't want to be seen. And then the clock struck 10. Along with five other names the coach called our name. I stood placidly waiting for nothing to happen. But then I saw a girl in pink swimsuit running towards the coach to take her hand so she can sit in the pool on the steps. That was my girl!!!! What had just happened? Weren't we suppose to lay low so no one can spot us and ask us to be in the pool, that big blue giant which sometimes looks like moving and appears to be ready to gobble up the ones who dare to dive in. Wasn't I expected to hold hands tightly? Not to say I wasn't elated but I was still trying to decipher the newly found fortitude that this young one had put up on display. Are these laws of nature at work that I am seeing? The tighter you hold the sand, the faster you empty your hands I had to learn to let go, I had to give her the control so she can decide what she wants to do with her body.
The class was in full swing and the coach kept winking at me in between to let me know that she is fine. The girl walked in the water, kicked the water and even did a lap with the help of the big noodle and the coach. Every time the coach started a new act, she would try to find me and get a nod to go ahead. When the class was over she ran to me and said "I was so brave today, I did everything the swimming teacher asked me to, I am so proud of myself Mamma". I am proud of you too, was it fun? "It was fun, I feel so fresh".
It's a great sunny day, I feel fresh too.
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