November 05, 2008

Good God Bad God

I was a part of a group today, a group which was responsible for introducing our culture to another group and to do that we read a book. One person was the designated reader, chosen for no particular reason but just because of the middle position of her chair which was conveniently placed to face the receiving group. So the story started, the reader was doing a good job explaining the unwritten, in between the lines facts to make the story come clear to the crowd and just then my ears started ringing with words "good God and bad God", and no matter what I tried I just couldn't participate anymore, mentally that is. The reader added her own description "The bad God was trying to hurt people so the good God beat him"
I am sure later when she thinks about it, the thought is going to poke her a lot. I have been there  many times! Sometimes while speaking publicly we just say things that we never would have imagined ourselves saying and later we bang our head with "what was I thinking? Or Was I thinking at all?"
I just hope the listeners forgot about it and aren't going to preach this anywhere else!

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